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Courses Studied: MA Music, BA (Hons) Music (Classical)

Year of Graduation: 2021/2019

 Top Career Highlights:

  • Completing my MA Music at Leeds Conservatoire during COVID-19
  • Working with esteemed soprano Rebecca Caine

Charley Wright is a versatile vocalist specialising in musical theatre and classical music. Upon graduating from our BA (Hons) Music (Classical) degree, Charley completed the MA Music programme, and now works as a vocalist, creating engaging video content for her growing social media platforms.

What inspired your musical beginnings?

The very thing that inspired my musical beginning was most definitely all the musical theatre and Disney films that I religiously watched when I was really small. In fact, I was so hugely into dressing up and performing every day that I would insist on wearing a full costume just to go to the supermarket! (I still would if it was socially acceptable!!). This theatrical way of living was definitely for me and my family knew that I was going to be a performer one way or another. I think it was only when I saw my first live show, that I was made aware of this industry and that people did this for a living every day! However, that inspiration could not have become a reality without my mum being so supportive of the creative industry.

What have you been up to since graduating?

I had this dream that I would graduate, move to London and get right on the route of auditioning for everything. However, since COVID-19 happened, the theatre industry has been put on a huge pause and opportunities are extremely limited for the time being. That being said, I am seizing the opportunity of time by building my repertoire, learning more about myself as an artist, recording and filming more exciting things that can be used for showreels and auditions and building an online presence. I have also learned how to record my own vocals and visuals to produce more complicated soundtracks which will hopefully make my artistry stand out. I have also had the fantastic opportunity to have 1-1 lessons with Rebecca Caine. She has given me a wonderful insight into the industry, advice on agencies and auditions all while teaching me legit theatre technique.

How different did you find the MA Music programme from the BA (Hons) Music (Classical) programme?

The main difference in the two degrees is the fact that you are all in the same class, no matter your genre, pathway or instrument. When you are in the performance class, you get to experience it all and have plenty of opportunity to collaborate with others from different pathways. You have a lot more freedom within the essays, which can be daunting when you are planning and writing, but it actually creates that step up from BA to MA. When it came to performing, I changed my genre from classical to musical theatre and had found my speciality. By the time you get to your Masters, you have a strong sense of what repertoire feels right to you and suits your voice, therefore you have a lot more freedom in choosing and performing repertoire because you and your tutor trust your instincts (of course with some things that don’t work!). Overall, the main difference is yourself as an artist, you are developed in your instrument when you enter the course, you know how all the assessments work and you know what to expect. It is then how you choose to seize your opportunities and push yourself out of your comfort zone.

What has been your favourite performance you’ve been involved in?

I have got to say Legally Blonde the Musical! Even though we never got to perform the final showcase (dreaded Covid-19), the rehearsal process was just as exhilarating. It clarified to me that I would not be working a day in my life if I could just do that every single day.

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What are your current goals and aspirations?

My current goals are to definitely work within musical theatre and be involved with any parts of the theatre industry. The end goal is to perform on a West End stage at some point in my life.

What were some of the challenges of creating a recorded/online recital?

There were many challenges when recording my online recital at home. At first it felt like a blessing in disguise because I could record each piece as many times as I pleased before I submitted it. However, this is when I started to get over critical of myself. I heard every single small detail that I wouldn’t usually notice after a live performance and my self-confidence took a turn. I was still continuing to have weekly 1-1 zoom lessons with Adriana Festeu (my vocal tutor) and she would forever get me out of that mindset however many times I needed as she completely understood how you can get in your own head when recording. She listened to so many takes and gave her honest and thorough feedback every time. She is an absolutely fantastic tutor who is incredibly reliable and I am grateful to have had her.

What’s coming up next for you as a vocalist?

I have been recording quite a few new tracks recently, collaborating with some other performance pages. I have also been requested songs through my social media pages and so I have also been recording those. They will all be released very soon! I am also currently in the middle of an application process for some very exciting opportunities within Central London and other major cities.

What’s the most important thing you learned during your time at Leeds Conservatoire?

The most important thing I learned during my time at Leeds Conservatoire (apart from all things musical) was that your own development and journey cannot be compared with other performers. It is so easy to do and I still do catch myself doing it sometimes but it is the worst thing you can do for your confidence. You are your own artist; your own unique instrument and you are not to be compared. It is difficult to keep reminding yourself this when surrounded by such talented musicians that specialise in the same instrument as you, and of course it is healthy to have slight competition as it thickens your skin ready for the industry. However, constantly comparing can lead you to stop trying altogether, when instead of comparing, you could become inspired by others and only compare yourself to the performer you were yesterday.

Like Charley on Facebook or follow her on Instagram

Read about our BA (Hons) Music (Classical) and MA Music courses

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