Leeds Conservatoire is proud of the student support on offer for our diverse student population, with approximately three times more declarations of disabilities, mental health conditions and/or long-term health conditions than the national average across the Higher Education sector.

How can we help you?

The Leeds Conservatoire Disability Support Team will be happy to discuss your support needs to ensure that you receive the support, adjustments, advice and guidance that you need to help you to succeed with your studies. Many support needs are met through general accessible learning practices embedded in the course content and teaching, including (but not limited to) learning resources being made available in advance of classes, Skills for Learning support available to all students throughout the academic year and the recording of most lectures using our lecture capture system, Panopto.

To access individual adjustments for any disability, neurodiversity, diagnosed mental health condition or long-term health condition (a condition that lasts for/is likely to last for 12 months or more), students are required to declare and evidence them directly to Leeds Conservatoire using the Support Needs Referral Form, which can be found by clicking the button at the top of this page (email us if you require this form in an alternative format).

Evidence could be in the form of a diagnostic report, a healthcare letter or evidence of adjustments that a school or college have previously had in place, and is required to ensure that we have the best understanding of specific individual support requirements and to allow us to put appropriate adjustments to assessments in place. Please attach evidence to the referral form or email it to help@leedsconservatoire.ac.uk.

Further support is available through a government grant called Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA), which we have detailed further below in the What is DSA? section.

Throughout your time as an applicant or student at Leeds Conservatoire, there are many opportunities for you to meet with the Disability Support Team, who are always happy to discuss your individual needs and requirements at any point during your studies.


Many students’ support needs are met through accessible teaching and learning practices, including:

  • Recordings of most lectures using Panopto, our lecture capture system
  • Teaching materials are made available in advance of classes
  • Audio recording of classes is permitted
  • The Skills for Learning team offer students support to enhance their academic and digital skills through an array of in-person and online sessions, accompanied by resources, tools and tips on their SPACE page (our intranet)
  • Support from the Health and Wellbeing team to discuss the Mental Health Support available at the conservatoire and/or signposting to external support services

Other support needs could be met through individual reasonable adjustments, such as recommended adjustments to teaching and learning based on declared information and evidence provided, extra time in timed examinations, extensions to assignment deadlines. For details on support that may be available through Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA), see the below section titled ‘What is DSA?’.

Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA) is a government grant administered by Student Finance in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland, and SAAS in Scotland. It isn’t a loan, it isn’t means-tested and you don’t have to pay it back.

You may be eligible if you have a diagnosed disability, neurodiversity, mental health condition and/or long-term health condition. The support offered varies according to individual requirements, but can include specialist computer equipment, assistive software, mentoring support, study skills support, and/or or help with travel costs.

You will be asked to provide evidence for each condition that you declare, usually from a doctor, educational/clinical psychologist or other similar professional. If DSA ask you for further evidence for a declared condition, it may be useful to use the DSA Disability Evidence Forms found on the following links for each funding body: England; Wales; Northern Ireland; Scotland. However, for Specific Learning Difficulties (such as Dyslexia or Dyspraxia), DSA will require a recent diagnostic assessment as evidence.

Leeds Conservatoire can help students without formal diagnoses gain access to DSA support by providing a screening service for Dyslexia, Dyspraxia (DCD) and traits of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), which you can request by emailing help@leedsconservatoire.ac.uk.

Once your DSA application is accepted, your individual requirements will then be decided by an independent needs assessor.

We can help you to apply for DSA if you email help@leedsconservatoire.ac.uk to ask for assistance, but it is worthwhile trying to submit an application as soon as possible, to ensure you get the most from the support on offer. Please see the video below for an example of the application process for students who live in England, Wales and Northern Ireland applying for funding through Student Finance. Although the video is completed using Student Finance England, the process for applicants in Wales and Northern Ireland is very similar. There are slightly different arrangements for applications made through SAAS.

For students with international fees who are ineligible to apply for UK-based DSA, you may wish to get in contact with the funding body from your home country to see if you are entitled to any support from them and check the Skills for Learning information on SPACE for information the support on offer for all students.


General information for Needs Assessors

Leeds Conservatoire General Information for DSA Needs Assessors

The conservatoire occupies a modern, purpose-built accessible campus, with lift access to all floors across each building. A sensory room is available for student with Autism or anxiety-based difficulties, and a rest room is provided for students who need to take medication in private.

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