Elysha Clay

Elysha (Leasha C) is a Yorkshire-based producer, singer-songwriter and sound engineer, with musical passion spanning multiple disciplines and genres. Inspired by the likes of Karine Polwart, The Staves, Low Roar and Auri, as a self-produced artist, Leasha C’s orchestral-electro-folk fusions, encourage audiences to delve into her vivid lyrics and luscious arrangements, finding moments of introspection. Not one to shy away from themes of social disconnect and human nature, Elysha explores these ideas through unique stories that navigate personal experience.

Hi Elysha – Where did your musical journey begin?

As an artist, my journey began in childhood, surrounded by diverse music and art. I was blessed with an expansive musical background; I learnt how to play the clarinet, keyboard and guitar; as well as challenging and developing my vocal technique through songwriting, musical theatre shows and choirs. My journey as a producer started much later; the culmination of my passion for musical exploration, composition, songwriting and technology. There was no option to study music tech in secondary school, so I progressed gradually using the tools at my disposal, slowly sculpting a love of recording and mixing. Therefore, I built my own set-up/studio environment, enrolled at Leeds Conservatoire and haven’t looked back!

What motivated you to study at the Conservative?

Initially, I had intended to study English/drama at University. At the time, I didn’t know that studying music was even an option for higher-education, unless you wanted to train classically or were an exceptional, powerhouse performer. My limited understanding of the music industry and self-taught knowledge of technology/recording painted my goals as a pipe-dream. However, after some encouragement, I did some research and discovered Leeds Conservatoire (or Leeds College of Music as it was known at the time). The production course instantly piqued my interest: a fantastic blend of explorative research and hands-on practical study, unlike any course I'd heard of. On my open day, talking to (the tutors) Craig and Bhupinder, being in that wholly creative environment, with the prospect of all these new challenges and opportunities, I knew without a shadow-of-a-doubt that I wanted to study music production at the Conservatoire.

What was the coolest thing you did on your Music Production course?

Interviewing, talking to and receiving mix feedback from Andrew Scheps was pretty cool! The music production tutors set up an annual masterclass, which is fabulous for knowledge exchange, especially in that crucial final year on the Undergrad. Andrew Scheps is a virtuosic, insightful, all-round interesting individual who consistently inspires, and also shares my love of Yorkshire!

Untitled (Banner (Landscape))

Why should someone study Music Production at the Conservatoire?

The environment! Naturally, this includes the building and degree itself; studying a diverse, practical syllabus, experimenting in industry standard studios, on iconic consoles, surrounded by racks of outboard equipment and countless mics. More importantly, however, I’ve always felt that my tutors genuinely cared about their students and the course. There was consideration and perspective behind each lesson, the feedback given and the consistent words of wisdom and encouragement shared. You could choose to study music production anywhere, but at Leeds Conservatoire you’re guaranteed lecturers who want to see you succeed and will match your effort to help you achieve your goals.

After you graduated, why did you decide to stay on and study MA Music?

I saw the MA as an opportunity to focus on my professional development after such a busy, eclectic 3 years completing my Undergrad. It was a chance to better understand my working style, motivators and establish further knowledge to become the best producer, artist, engineer and entrepreneur I can be.

What was the coolest thing you’ve done so far on your MA Music course?

I’ve been to a lot of fantastic conferences, panels and networking events since beginning my MA, and I've also started gigging again! Summer is shaping up to be jam-packed, so I am really excited to see how 2023 continues!

Finally, why should someone stay on to study MA Music, after they’ve graduated from the Conservatoire?

Choosing to study an MA is a great idea for people who want to solidify their proficiency from within the comfort of a supportive institution. It is another year of specialist research, practical evolution and allows further experimentation of new ideas surrounded by industry professionals who can offer constructive feedback. Moreover, the MA provides valuable training in commitment, independence and self-discipline, necessary to thrive in contemporary society.

Find out more about BA (Hons) Music (Production) and MA Music

Listen to Leasha C's EP here

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