Jack Wingad

Jack is a Sound & Dialogue Editor for York-based Post Production House, Motion, where he has amassed over 15 feature film credits. He's worked with big name actors in recording studios all over the world, and top-tier Sound Supervisors, and Mixing Engineers. In addition to his day job, he also composes music for short films, and company promos. 

Could you tell us a little bit about your career to date?

After graduating, I moved to South East London where I balanced a variety of service industry jobs, freelance music production, post production audio work, and worked as a Work Permit Facilitator for international artists looking to tour in the UK.

When COVID-19 hit, a lot of that work ended overnight, but luckily I managed to get a job as a Post Production Sound Assistant at a company now called Motion, based in York. Since joining the team, I’ve collected over 15 feature film credits for movies that have been delivered to Amazon, Netflix, and more.

How did studying for a degree at Leeds Conservatoire prepare you for your current career?

Leeds Conservatoire provided a well-rounded experience enhancing my specialist skills that I now use on a daily basis, such as composing to moving image, music production, music theory, mixing, recording, and in DAW’s such as ProTools.

I also developed a range of transferable skills in communication, networking, project management, creativity, discipline, leadership, and marketing. Working alongside talented contemporaries pushed my standards to be higher. Thanks to one of the business modules I undertook, I also strengthened my connections with the work permit facility company that I eventually ended up working for.

Who encouraged you to study music?

My late father was the main music influence in my life. He’s the one that showed me The Jungle Book, taught me the basics of guitar, always supported my music endeavours and encouraged me to pursue music production at higher education level. He also helped me prepare for the job interview I now have and love so much. Music was a passion we shared right up until the end of his life. I’m very grateful he got to see me working in a job where I’m creative and happy, and I’m so thankful to have had someone like that in my life.

What attracted you to studying in Leeds and what do you think of the musical community here?

I was drawn to Leeds because of the excellent reputation the Conservatoire has, the vibe and culture of the city, the unparalleled student experience, and of course... the top tier music scene! I’ve experienced so many amazing music moments in Leeds, it really has the space and talent for a wide variety of different music communities to flourish.

What was your most memorable experience during your time at Leeds Conservatoire?

The Andrew Scheps’ masterclasses and music feedback sessions. The masterclasses in general were always fun, but the Andrew Scheps day was pretty special, for sure! He gave great feedback on one of the songs I was producing, as well as great insight into a world class mixing engineer's workflow.

What advice would you give to someone wanting to get their foot in the door of your industry?

Leeds Conservatoire Lecturer Alex Halliday once said to me “persistence is key to success” and that’s stuck with me through some of the more difficult times in my career. Success and opportunities may or may not come straight after university, but the more you stick at it, look after yourself (the most important thing), and work hard; the more likely you’re to get that bit of luck you need to get that foot in the door.

Additionally, most opportunities you’re going to get are through people you know, so try your best to build a good reputation within your network of friends. Being courageous, helpful, kind, competent and composed are all basic qualities that’ll help your chances of success.

What's coming up next for you in terms of projects, releases or tours?

I’ve just finished a dialogue edit on a feature film called Ocean Deep, as well as mixing and sound editing the trailer. It’s not clear which streaming service it’ll be available on yet, but I’m looking forward to the release.

Up next for me is another dialogue edit on a feature film called “The Trap” directed by the amazing Lena Heady (Cersei Lannister from Game of Thrones, The Brothers Grimm, and Possession), which I’m really excited to be working on! Later in the year, I’m hoping to be composing music on some short films currently in pre-production, and releasing some new music as well.

Find out more about our BA (Hons) Music (Production) Degree 

To learn more about Jack's work, visit the Motion Post Website

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