
Prior to studying at Leeds Conservatoire, Jackson took part in many amateur performances in his hometown of Essex. He also competed to perform in The Sad Club for the National Theatre Connections in 2019. In his graduating year, Jackson will be playing Sir Andrew in Twelfth Night, and Fred/Mr Tumbler in A Christmas Carol. Whilst studying Jackson has taken a great interest in improvisation, physical theatre and implementing live music into devised work. Outside of Leeds Conservatoire he has appeared in an LGBTQ+ comedy short film, Last of the Home Runs set to be released later this year. Jackson is a highly skilled drummer, currently performing in folk/acoustic band Sinistrum. Jackson’s love for learning new skills is ever-growing in his ambition.


Last of the home runs, 2021, Short film, Grayson, Alex Jarvis

Twelfth Night, 2022, Stage, Sir Andrew, Leeds Conservatoire, Alex Ferris

Christmas Carol, 2022, Stage, Fred/Mr Tumbler, Leeds Conservatoire, Tom Bellerby


Accents: English-standard, RP, American-standard

Music and Dance: Drums*, Guitar*, Percussion, Piano (basic)

Other: Actor-musician, Childrens theatre, Clown, Comedy, Comedy improv, Physical comedy, Physical theatre, Poetry reading, Theatre in education, Verbatim Theatre, DBS Clearance

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