
Kamran Zahid is a dual heritage Northern actor based in West Yorkshire. Recent credits include the title role in Slung Low's short film 'The Magician’, Steve in Yusuf Khamisa’s production of ‘Darknet’ and John Forster/Young Marley in Tom Bellerby’s ‘A Christmas Carol’. He is a multi-linguist and often called upon to use different dialects and accents within his roles. He is very interested in shining a light on his mixed heritage through his work and draws inspiration from the breadth of his cultural experiences. Kamran sees his heritage as a powerful tool with regards the roles he can play. He is grateful for the any opportunity to represent people like him in the arts.


Darknet, 2022, Stage, Steve, Leeds Conservatoire, Yusuf Khamisa

Christmas Carol, 2022, Stage, John Forster, Leeds Conservatoire , Tom Bellerby

The Magician, 2022, Screen, Owain, Slung Low, James Phillips

Henry V, 2019, Stage, Henry V, Lawrence Batley Theatre, Henry Filloux Bennett and Sameena Hussain


Sports: Football, Rugby, Weightlifting,Table Tennis

Music and Dance: Acoustic Guitar

Accents: Yorkshire, General American*, Scottish*, New York, Cockney, Black Country, Scouse

Other: Bartender


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