Leeds Conservatoire Commits to Support Care-Experienced Students

By Gemma Cross


Thirteen institutions across West Yorkshire, including Leeds Conservatoire, have developed a collaborative response to support care-experienced students by encouraging them to tick the UCAS care-experienced box in their application to the institution.


Professor Jane Owen-Lynch, Pro Vice-Chancellor (Teaching and Learning) at The University of Huddersfield and Chair of GHWY, shared the following:

“We are delighted that all of Go Higher West Yorkshire’s member institutions are working together to use this common definition of ‘care-experienced’. This will be incredibly helpful for care-experienced students navigating what can be a complex system, and ensure that those in need of support are better able to get access to it.”

By adopting this wider definition of care-experienced, students will be able to receive support from the institution that they have applied to.


Find out more here on the Go Higher West Yorkshire website

By Gemma Cross

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