Leeds Conservatoire receives grant from the Andrew Lloyd Webber Foundation

By Dav Williams


Leeds Conservatoire is delighted to announce that it has received continued funding from the Andrew Lloyd Webber Foundation towards its Summer Academy for Performing Arts.

The funding will enable individuals from communities who are currently underrepresented at the conservatoire to attend our Summer Academy: Theatre free of charge, and receive ongoing mentorship.

Our Summer Academy: Theatre offers students who are about to enter Year 13 the opportunity to attend a five-day series of classes and experiences at the conservatoire. During the week, students experience a variety of workshops in areas such as audition songs, dance classes, dance auditions and ensemble singing. The Academy provides individuals with guidance on how to be successful with HE applications and interviews, and culminates in an online performance showcase for friends and family.

Guest speakers on last year’s programme featured the likes of actor Tarinn Callender, actress Sasha Frost, Artistic Director Amanda Huxtable and Casting Director James Pearson, who were able to impart significant industry experience.

Those involved in last year’s programme reported enhanced skills and knowledge in areas such as self-taping, audition tapes and authenticity, alongside learning about what it takes to develop a successful career in the creative industries. Students were able to work with other like-minded artists and experience a taste of conservatoire education. Those who completed the Summer Academy and go on to successfully apply to an undergraduate course at Leeds Conservatoire receive a reduction of 8 UCAS tariff points in the UCAS tariff points required for entry.

Andrew Lloyd Webber Foundation Scholarships will be awarded based on merit and financial need, with an emphasis on supporting young people from currently underrepresented backgrounds (i.e. Black, Asian and ethnic minority students, disabled students and those from low income households). The funding closely links with our commitment as an organisation to become more inclusive and representative of our whole community.

Apply for an Andrew Lloyd Webber Foundation Scholarship. We are considering applications for Scholarships on a rolling basis and interested applicants are therefore strongly encouraged to apply as soon as possible. 

If you would like to discuss applying for the Scholarship with a member of our Team, please email SummerAcademy@lcm.ac.uk.

Find out more about out Summer Academy: Theatre.

Or discover our BA (Hons) in Acting, Actor Musician and Musical Theatre.

Learn more about our actions to support Black Lives Matter.

By Dav Williams

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