Our community safety measures

By Kath Hartley

Updated Posted

Covid-19 Safety at Leeds Conservatoire

This page gives local residents and business owners information about Leeds Conservatoire's Covid-19 safeguards.

Leeds Conservatoire has been working extremely closely with the Council, the Student Union, all Higher Education Institutions in Leeds, the Luminate Education Group, the Office for Students and the Department for Education, and is committed to making our campuses, and the communities we interact with, as safe as possible.

Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, health and wellbeing has always been our top priority. We’ve worked hard to make sure all the necessary measures are in place to be able to enjoy everything our campus has to offer in the safest way possible. 

In order to ensure that our students and the wider community are as safe as possible during the transition home at end of semester 1, Leeds Conservatoire students are able to book a Lateral Flow antigen test at the Leeds Beckett NHS Test and Trace facility (between 1-8 December 2020).

Our booking system for asymptomatic lateral flow testing for students and staff returning to campus in January is now open. 

For staff and students: You should have received all of the relevant information about how to book your test via email. Please contact help@lcm.ac.uk if you have any issues.

2 metre distance signage

We have introduced a number of safety measures on campus, including; social distancing of 2m where possible, wearing of face coverings when moving around our buildings, one-way systems where possible, installation of screens in teaching spaces, installation of additional hand washing/sanitation stations and enhanced cleaning.

We have also committed to being responsible, where possible, for students’ adherence to social distancing and group gathering guidance, and their engagement with Track and Trace procedures and testing.

Screen separators

Induction for new students took place on 21 September, with teaching starting in the week commencing 28 September. Induction for returning students was from 28 September, with teaching starting in the week commencing 5 October. We have been delivering a combination of online and in-person tuition, with students attending our St Peter’s Square and Playhouse Square campuses to access their in-person teaching and learning activities.

As well as allowing us to deliver tuition according to social distancing guidelines, our increased use of online tuition and our staggered start dates ensure that the number of students and staff coming onto campus each day remains low, and so will not create a large increase in demand on public transport and busy inner city resources.

Leeds Conservatoire is providing guidance and advice to students arriving from outside of the UK to ensure that, where necessary, they can self-isolate for 14 days in line with the Government’s latest Covid-19 control measures.

At present there are no scheduled public events, recitals or performances being held on campus. These activities will happen online in the first instance and we will continue to follow the government guidance on the safe use of our services and facilities.

You can keep up with the latest guidance for students, staff and our community on our dedicated 'Keeping our Community Safe' website area.

By Kath Hartley

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