
Our staff are experts in their field, and are active musicians, practitioners, authors and researchers. They are joined by a wealth of industry professionals and visiting professors who regularly come to the conservatoire to impart specialist knowledge to students.

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Ben Hennessy-Garside.jpg
Ben Hennessy-GarsideLecturer: Popular, MA Music

Courses taught: BA (Hons) Music (Popular), MA Music

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Hans Hess
Dr Hans HessSenior Lecturer: Film Music

Courses taught: BA (Hons) Music (Film Music)

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Scott Hewitt.jpg
Dr Scott HewittSenior Lecturer: Music Production

Courses taught: BA (Hons) Music (Production)

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Andy Hickey.jpg
Andrew HickeySenior Lecturer: Popular Music, MA Music

Courses taught: BA (Hons) Music (Popular), MA Music

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Lucy Hind
Lucy HindSenior Lecturer: Musical Theatre

Courses Taught: BA (Hons) Musical Theatre

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Marlon Hodelin 5.png
Marlon HodelinSenior Lecturer, Module Co-ordinator & Short Courses Tutor

Courses Taught: FdA Electronic Music Production, Introduction to Mixing and Mastering

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Eleanor Hodgkinson.jpg
Eleanor HodgkinsonSenior Lecturer: Classical, MA Music

Courses Taught: BA (Hons) Music (Classical), MA Music

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Kevin Holbrough.jpg
Kevin HolbroughSenior Lecturer: Jazz

Courses taught: BA (Hons) Music (Jazz)

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Dave HooperPrincipal Lecturer

Courses taught: BA (Hons) Music (Classical)

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Jacquelyn Hynes Folk Tutor at Leeds College of Music landscape.png
Jacquelyn HynesSenior Lecturer (Folk)

Courses taught: BA (Hons) Music (Folk)

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Richard Iles.jpg
Richard IlesPrincipal Lecturer: Jazz

Courses taught: BA (Hons) Music (Jazz)

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Garry Jackson.jpg
Garry JacksonSenior Lecturer: Jazz

Courses taught: BA (Hons) Music (Jazz)

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