Job title: Academic Manager - School of Music and Education
Courses taught: BA (Hons) Music (Classical)
Specialisms: Harmony and Analysis, Critical Listening, Composition, Film Musicology
Dr Carl Vincent PhD, MMus, MSc, MCMI, FNCM, FVCM, LRAM, PGCE, SFHEA, FRSA is a Principal Lecturer in Classical Music
Carl teaches modules in Performance, Harmony and Analysis, Critical Listening, and Composition.
His research interests include the film composer Miklós Rózsa and his scores in Hollywood from the 1940’s to the 1960’s , and has presented academic papers on film musicology, specifically the music of the Hungarian film composer Miklós Rózsa at Trinity College Dublin, The Sibelius Academy in Helsinki, and at the XXIII Italian Musicological Conference at the Verdi Conservatory in Como, Italy.
Additionally he has had compositions performed in Lisbon, London, Belfast, Sydney and Adelaide. Carl studied composition with Philip Wilby at the University of Leeds and privately with Dr Francis Jackson OBE and Sir Malcolm Arnold.
Carl was also a guest speaker at the 2018 University of Leeds conference: From ‘Yesterday’s Mujahiddin’ to today’s Postcolonial Classroom, where he presented a paper on the use of extra –opus intertextuality within an axis harmonic framework in the Ennio Morricone film score to The Battle of Algiers (1966)
Carl’s published research also includes the music of Italian twentieth century composers such as Alfredo Casella, Ermanno Wolf-Ferrari, and Nino Rota. He has written new prefaces for the publishing house Musikproduktion Höflich in Munich, for several Casella works including the ballet La Giara, the Suite in C, and the two suites from the opera La Donna Serpente. Carl is also the author of the chapter on Nino Rota entitled: Nino Rota: Neoclassicist, classical modernist, or pragmatic pluralist for the Routledge publication Double Lives: Film Composers in the Concert Hall (2019). For the Naxos label, Carl has also written the linear notes for the CD entitled Nino Rota Solo Piano Music Volume 1 (2019) and is providing the linear notes for a second volume due out in 2021.
Career highlights include the European Brass Band Championship 2006 (Belfast), Gala night commission for Black Dyke Band: A Night at the Movies, The Grassington Festival: Adagio for Strings, and Let Not the Poets Soul Be Frozen – for Bass Oboe and Piano. Presently he is writing a series of songs for mezzo soprano and piano based on the writings of the Venetian Veronica Franco.
He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of the Arts, a member of the Prokofiev Foundation (Princeton) and a member of Broadcast Music Inc. (Los Angeles).
Compositions include:
Let Not the Poets Soul Be Frozen (pub. Kirklees Music)
A Night at the Movies (pub. Kirklees Music)
Trombone Concerto (pub. Kirklees Music)
Adagio for Strings
Prelude and Fugue (written for the Annual Festival of New Organ Music 2007 and performed in London and Lisbon)
Fanfare for Organ ( written to commemorate the Royal Canadian College of Organists centenary celebrations)