We appreciate that an essential part of supporting students is ensuring that their teachers and advisers have informed and accurate knowledge of higher education and the processes and systems that come alongside it.
The resources in this section have been collated to support professionals working with applicants. Some are specific to us here at Leeds College of Music and others are more general schools resources.
For specific information on our Undergraduate study or student services, please visit the relevant pages on our website.
Download all of these resources below here.
General links:
- Uni Taster Days: Teachers' Guide to University
- UCAS - Support for teachers and advisers
- UCAS Conservatoires
- Student Finance England -support for teachers and advisers
- Go Higher West Yorkshire - supporting someone into Higher Education
Other useful websites:
- Incorporated Society of Musicians (ISM) - Online learning resources including for secondary teachers & students as well as for instrumental teaching and learning
- Music Mark - home and school online resources
- ArtForms Leeds - home learning resources
- Uni4Me - access to online events, activities and resources from UK HE organisations
- Future Learn – plenty of free online courses to recommend to your students
- BBC Bitesize (Music) – easy to understand homework and revision materials for student studies and exams
- BBC Bitesize (Drama) - easy to understand homework and revision materials for student studies and exams
- BBC Arts - culture in quarantine
- Beepbox: - an online tool for sketching and sharing instrumental melodies
- Soundtrap - site for music making, audio editing, autotune and using loops
- Kahoot: a game-based learning platform where you can create games and quizzes
- Google forms: add a new form, click settings and select quizzes
- Edpuzzle: create interactive video quizzes