A Day in the Life of a Film Music Degree Student

  • Starts:
  • Duration: 10am - 4pm
  • Venue: The Venue, Leeds Conservatoire
  • Fee: £95
  • Age: 15 - 18 years old

Students need to have an understanding / awareness of Music technology, and need to be able to read music to an intermediate levelA Day in the Life of a Film Music Degree student introduces students to the concepts, theories and practices of the film music industry, and specifically it offers students an experience of what a typical day is like on the Film Music degree. 


  • 09:30 - 10:00 | Registration
  • 10:00 - 12:00 | Session 1
  • 12:00 - 13:00 | Break
  • 13:00 - 15:00 | Session 2
  • 15:00 - 15:30 | Break
  • 15:30 - 16:30 | Session 3


Session 1: Room 509 with  Dr Brian Morrell

The first session, entitled ‘How Film Music Communicates’ will take place in a lecture room, and looks at the film music industry, why films need music, why people need music in film, composition, harmony, orchestration and how music creates emotion 

Session 2: Room 419 (Mac Lab) with Andy Barraclough 

This session introduces students into the basics of how technology is used in the creation of music for the moving image 

Session 3 Room 509 with Brian and Andy

Open discussion about the day’s sessions, plus information about the Film Music degree, the standard required and entry requirements 


Content to include:

  • Learning about the film music industry 
  • Understanding why we need music in film 
  • Becoming familiar with ideas and concepts for becoming a Film Composer 
  • Developing an awareness of composition, harmony and orchestration in Film Music 
  • Examining how to create emotion through music  
  • Studying how Film Music is synced to Picture 
  • Studying how technology is used in modern film score composition 
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We want to ensure that no one turns down a place on our Workshop Days due to the cost.

We have a bursary fund that supports students and their families dependent on their situation.

Bursaries and scholarships support young people from underrepresented backgrounds (i.e. Black, Asian and ethnic minority students, disabled students and those from low-income households).


Applications for a bursary because your total taxable household income is under £30,000 can be made by entering your household income on the enrolment form. 


Bursary levels for 2024:

  • For families with a total household taxable income below £30,000, full bursary awarded where possible

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