Featured Artist
This year’s featured artist was renowned trombonist Kevin Holborough who is a busy professional musician and principal lecturer on the BA jazz degree at Leeds Conservatoire.

Head of Leeds Junior Conservatoire, Karen Gourlay said, “This was a fantastic event showcasing the talent cultivated at Leeds Conservatoire. A highlight was the obvious camaraderie between performers. Being able to sit side-by-side with professionals is an inspirational learning experience and I have seen the continued dedication of former under 18 band members pursuing their passion for jazz through undergraduate conservatoire education. This is a testament to the lasting impact of the band.”

LJC Jazz Band
Support was from the talented Leeds Junior Conservatoire Jazz Band, coached by Dave Evans, who gave a very professional performance featuring a range of music. This is a band to watch!
Head of Leeds Junior Conservatoire, Karen Gourlay said,
‘What a fantastic performance, showcasing the excellent partnership work that is happening between the HE Jazz Department, Leeds Junior Conservatoire, Yorkshire Young Musicians, our partner schools and JazzLeeds. This evening celebrated the collaboration between musicians at different stages of their musical careers. A huge thank you to all the staff, alumni, students and young people who made this happen.’
Find out more:
If you would like to know more about opportunities for young people in music at Leeds Junior Conservatoire please contact us at Junior@lcm.ac.uk. We have a wide range of entry points from beginner through to advanced.
For schools, please visit our Futures page for information to become a partner school.