New Inclusive Ensemble OPEN Launches in Leeds

21 September 2023



Leeds Conservatoire and Made With Music are delighted to launch OPEN, a new inclusive ensemble in Leeds for anyone who might need extra support to make music with family and friends. 

Many families Made With Music work with in Leeds have asked for a place they can make music together and find their needs aren’t met in other music groups. This new project, in collaboration with Leeds Conservatoire, will allow up to 10 families to create new music and develop musical skills.  

The eight sessions will take place on Saturdays as part of Leeds Junior Conservatoire. They will run 2:00PM to 4:00PM including breaks, starting on Saturday 7 October. These will take place at Leeds Conservatoire, 3 Quarry Hill, Leeds LS2 7PD on the following dates: 

  • Saturday 7 October 
  • Saturday 14 October 
  • Saturday 21 October 
  • Saturday 11 November 
  • Saturday 18 November 
  • Saturday 25 November 
  • Saturday 2 December 
  • Saturday 9 December 

There are no sessions on Saturday 28 October and Saturday 4 November.  

Please note, places are limited and the advised age is 8+. 

All children need to be accompanied by an adult or PA but the whole family unit (whatever that may look like) can come along to join in the fun. Instruments can be provided or participants can bring along something they like to play at home, or perhaps that they used to play when they were younger! 

This is a new group for Made with Music and they want to design it around participants, so please do not hesitate to contact them with any questions. Made With Music will provide picture guides in advance which will show the music leader team and pictures of the space used for sessions. There will be a breakout space for participants throughout the sessions as well as regular breaks. The application form asks specific questions regarding access requirements and we will endeavour to meet them all. 

New Connections participants. Photo credit: Chris Milnes

How to Apply 

Please complete this short form if you are interested. 

If you can’t access the form for any reason, get in touch and Made With Music will send in a different format or call you to talk through the questions. Please leave a number if you need a call back. 

​Participants may be randomly selected, depending on the number of applications, as only 10 families can be accommodated this time. 


OPEN is funded by Mohn Westlake (Leeds Community Foundation). This project follows on from Leeds Conservatoire and Made With Music’s successful collaboration earlier this year as part of New Connections. 

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