"My favourite thing about Leeds Junior Conservatoire is getting to learn lots of new things and play in a band with other people!"

Introduce Yourself!
Hi - I'm Finley, and I play drums and piano! I am on the Experience course at Leeds Junior Conservatoire.
Outside of LJC, I like gaming, particularly Minecraft and Roblox. I also play tennis, cricket, go swimming and I’m a member of Cubs.
What instrument(s) do you play and how long have you played it for?
I play the drums and piano. I got an acoustic drum kit for Christmas just before my 6th birthday and I’m now working towards my Grade 6. I love playing the drums because it’s a challenging instrument and lots of fun. I started playing the piano just over a year ago and I’m now working towards my Grade 2. My favourite kind of music to play is rock and jazz.
What made you want to start learning your instrument?
I have always been interested in music and regularly went to watch my Mum play for Newark and Sherwood Concert Band when I was little. I loved watching the drummer and I’m now the drummer in the band!
What’s your favourite thing about Leeds Junior Conservatoire?
My favourite thing about Leeds Junior Conservatoire is getting to learn lots of new things and play in a band with other people! I play in a band with 7 people and absolutely love it. We get to write our own music and help each other with ideas. As well as playing in a band, I also take lessons in music theory, keyboard skills and a Target workshop.
What does a typical morning look like when you go to Leeds Junior Conservatoire?
I joined during the pandemic, so I started LJC online for the first few months. I would dial into Microsoft Teams to learn from my tutor that day and go away to play and record what we’ve been working on. We're gradually starting to go back into the building though, which is great. I like being able to see everyone face-to-face and get to know people better. It’s also great to be able to hear the other instruments live.
What would you like to be when you’re grown up and why?
I’d like to be a professional drummer!