Visiting Leeds Junior Conservatoire

Information about visits for schools and young people

Below is some information to answer the questions we usually get about visiting Leeds Junior Conservatoire with a group of under 18s, but if you have any other questions, please email

How to Find us 

Information on how to get to us by road, rail and air, including parking information. 





Useful Information

Arrival at Leeds Conservatoire 

On arrival, please report to reception to sign in.  You will be met at the desk by a member of Leeds Junior Conservatoire staff.

Lunch Area and Bag Storage 

Please keep your possessions with you. 

For full day courses we may be able to provide a locked room. Please note that possessions are left at the owner’s risk, and Leeds Conservatoire cannot be held accountable for any loss or damage. 

Late arrival 

If you are running late, please let us know at .

If you arrive late, you may not be able to participate in the whole day's programme.


We have gender-neutral and accessible toilets in the café bar and The Venue.


The conservatoire occupies a modern, purpose-built accessible campus, with lift access to all floors across each building. If a student or teacher/staff member is attending who has support needs please contact us in advance.

Post-Visit Resources

If you would like to find out more about Leeds Junior Conservatoire for your students you can contact us on 


We have lift access to each floor on the building.

First aiders

There is always a trained first aider on duty when our campus is open in case you or someone else becomes unwell or has an accident. A list of first aid contacts is displayed in prominent places throughout the building or let any member of staff know that you need first aid assistance.

In an emergency 

Follow the instructions of the tutor and student ambassadors.


LJC Safeguarding Policy 2023-24

LJC Anti-Bullying Statement 2023-24

Behaviour Code for Staff, Visiting Practitioners and Volunteers working at Leeds Conservatoire 

Risk assessments 

LMEP Live at The Wardrobe 4 July 2024


LJC Festival 6 July 2024

Guidelines for Teachers and group leaders 

  • Teachers and adult helpers from the visiting group are responsible for student’s behaviour whilst visiting Leeds Conservatoire
  • All school and education groups must have an adequate number of adults with their group. We require the following ratios
    • Age 8 - 11 1:15
    • Age 12 - 16 1:20
  • Any accident must be reported to a member of the conservatoire staff. Qualified first aiders are available at all times
  • No running on the premises
  • In the event of an emergency evacuation of the building, follow the instructions provided by Leeds Conservatoire Staff
  • No food or drink, except water, is to be consumed in the workshop rooms. Please use the cafe bar  
  • Leeds Conservatoire reserves the right to refuse admission to any party or parties
  • Leeds Conservatoire does not tolerate inappropriate behaviour or language, which may lead to the group's exclusion





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