Teaching plans for 2021/22
Please note that the information below relates to Semester 1 of the 2021/22 academic year. Details for Semester 2 will be on your timetable.
We are planning for a blended learning approach for next academic year, at least for Semester 1 (September 2021-January 2022).
This means your timetable will include both on-campus and online activities.
We expect you to attend in person for your on-campus teaching, and you will be able to access study and practice spaces in our buildings outside of your timetabled classes.
As part of our Covid-19 safety precautions, we have reduced the capacity of our teaching rooms, study and practice spaces, and we plan to keep this reduced capacity in place during Semester 1, subject to local and national public health advice. We’re planning this way so that you know what to expect from the start of the year, but as soon as we are sure it is safe to increase our room capacities again, we will do.
We also have contingency plans ready if further restrictions are introduced, to make sure that you can continue and complete your studies.
We will review our delivery during Semester 1 and tell you about our plans for Semester 2. We want to give you as much access to in-person teaching and learning and we can, while keeping students and staff safe.
What is blended learning?
Blended learning is an approach to learning and teaching that combines in person classes with online delivery, activities and resources.
We are planning three types of delivery:
1. On-campus
This module will be timetabled in our buildings and all classes will be held in-person. Practical classes, such as 1 to 1 tuition, ensembles, recording studio and small group seminars will normally be delivered face to face in our buildings.
2. Online
This module will be timetabled online and you will attend remotely. Large lectures and seminars will normally be delivered online. These will typically be delivered live via video conferencing with opportunities for students to contribute to classes.
3. Blended
This module will be timetabled with a mixture of on-campus and online sessions.
You can see exactly how we are planning to deliver each module of your course in the tabs below.
Methods of delivery will vary across different pathways; these methods are informed by evaluating the teaching and learning that has taken place since March 2020, and by student consultation. Online learning systems are used throughout our delivery to complement and enhance your timetabled classes with resources and activities.
Accessing online activities
If you have access to an internet-enabled computer, tablet or phone, you will be able to access online activities anywhere. If you don’t have internet access, we have bookable spaces with computers that you can use to access online timetabled sessions.
Studying fully online
If you live overseas and cannot come to Leeds at the start of the year due to travel restrictions, we may be able to make arrangements for you to begin your studies online until you are able to join us in person, subject to visa requirements. If you have questions about travelling from overseas, please contact help@lcm.ac.uk.
If you live in the UK we will expect you to attend on-campus teaching sessions unless there are exceptional circumstances, for example if you are self-isolating.
BA (Hons) Music and FdA Electronic Music Production/Music Production
Specialist Study 1
1:1 tuition
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Performance/Composition in Context Classes (tuition in groups by instrument/discipline)
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Instrumental/Vocal and Composition Bursaries
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Specialist Group Study 1
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Online (what does this mean?)
Language for Singers 1
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Reflective Practice
Blended (what does this mean?)
Contextual Studies 1
Blended (what does this mean?)
Professional Studies 1
Blended (what does this mean?)
Specialist Study 1
Online (what does this mean?)
Specialist Group Study 1
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Instrumental/Vocal and Composition Bursaries
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Reflective Practice
Online (what does this mean?)
Film Music in Context 1
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Professional Studies 1
Blended (what does this mean?)
Specialist Study 1
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Instrumental/Vocal and Composition Bursaries
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Specialist Group Study 1
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Reflective Practice
Online (what does this mean?)
Contextual Studies 1
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Professional Studies 1
Blended (what does this mean?)
Specialist Study 1
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Instrumental/Vocal and Composition Bursaries
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Specialist Group Study 1
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Reflective Practice
Online (what does this mean?)
Contextual Studies 1
Blended (what does this mean?)
Professional Studies 1
Blended (what does this mean?)
Structure and Functions
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Blended (what does this mean?)
Instrumental/Vocal and Composition Bursaries
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Reflective Practice
Online (what does this mean?)
Music and Identity
Blended (what does this mean?)
Professional Studies 1
Online (what does this mean?)
Specialist Study 1
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Specialist Group Study 1
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Instrumental/Vocal and Composition Bursaries
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Reflective Practice
Online (what does this mean?)
Contextual Studies 1
Blended (what does this mean?)
Professional Studies 1
Blended (what does this mean?)
FdA Electronic Music Production
DJ Performance Technologies
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Computer Music 1
Blended (what does this mean?)
Electronic Music Composition 1
Blended (what does this mean?)
Music Production in Context 1
Blended (what does this mean?)
Industry Studies 1
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
FdA Music Production
Production Analysis
Blended (what does this mean?)
Recording Studio Techniques 1
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Audio & MIDI Sequencing 1
Blended (what does this mean?)
Music Production in Context 1
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Industry Studies 1
Online (what does this mean?)
Specialist Study 1
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Instrumental/Vocal and Composition Bursaries
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Specialist Group Study 1
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Reflective Practice
Online (what does this mean?)
Contextual Studies 1
Blended (what does this mean?)
Professional Studies 1
Blended (what does this mean?)
Specialist Study 1
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Specialist Group Study 1
Blended (what does this mean?)
Instrumental/Vocal and Composition Bursaries
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Reflective Practice
Online (what does this mean?)
Contextual Studies 1
Blended (what does this mean?)
Professional Studies 1
Blended (what does this mean?)
BA (Hons) Acting, Actor Musician & Musical Theatre
Acting Skills: Movement
Blended (what does this mean?)
Acting Skills: Research for Performance
Blended (what does this mean?)
Artistic Development: Self-as-Artist
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Acting Skills: Acting Technique
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Acting Skills: Spoken and Sung Voice
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Actor Musician Skills: Acting Technique
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Actor Musician Skills: Music
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Actor Musician Skills: Voice
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Artistic Development: Self-as-Artist
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Actor Musician Skills: Research for Performance
Blended (what does this mean?)
Actor Musician Skills: Movement
Blended (what does this mean?)
Acting 1: Fundamentals of Dramatic Techniques
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Dance 1: Fundamentals of Dance
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Voice 1: Fundamentals of Voice
Blended (what does this mean?)
Performance Project 1
Blended (what does this mean?)
Professional Studies 1: Working in the Arts
Online (what does this mean?)
Contextual Studies 1: Theatre Practice and Practitioners
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
MA Music
Specialist Study
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Creative Practice in Context
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
BA (Hons) Music and FdA Electronic Music Production/Music Production
Specialist Study 2
1:1 Tuition
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Performance/Composition in Context Classes (tuition in groups by instrument/discipline)
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Specialist Group Study 2
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Online (what does this mean?)
Instrumental / Vocal and Composition Bursaries
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Language for Singers 2
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Contextual Studies 2
Contextual Studies Core
Blended (what does this mean?)
Contextual Studies (Options)
- Arranging and Orchestration
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
- Collaborative Composition
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
- Entrepreneurship
Online (what does this mean?)
- Introduction to Music Technology
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
- Music and Ideology
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
- Music for the Moving Image
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
- Musical Direction
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
- Performance with Electronics
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
- Songwriting
Blended (what does this mean?)
Professional Studies 2 (Options)
- Artistic Management
Online (what does this mean?)
- Business Start-Up
Blended (what does this mean?)
- Concerts & Touring
Blended (what does this mean?)
- Instrumental Music Tuition
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
- Self Promotion & Marketing
Blended (what does this mean?)
- Structure & Functions of the Film Music Industry
Online (what does this mean?)
- Working with Music in the Community
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Specialist Study 2
Online (what does this mean?)
Specialist Group Study 2
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Instrumental / Vocal and Composition Bursaries
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Film Music in Context 2
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Contextual Studies 2 (Options)
- Arranging and Orchestration
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
- Collaborative Composition
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
- Entrepreneurship
Online (what does this mean?)
- Introduction to Music Technology
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
- Music and Ideology
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
- Musical Direction
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
- Performance with Electronics
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
- Songwriting
Blended (what does this mean?)
Professional Studies 2 (Options)
- Artistic Management
Online (what does this mean?)
- Business Start-Up
Blended (what does this mean?)
- Concerts & Touring
Blended (what does this mean?)
- Instrumental Music Tuition
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
- Self Promotion & Marketing
Blended (what does this mean?)
- Structure & Function of the Film Music Industry
Online (what does this mean?)
- Working with Music in the Community
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Specialist Study 2
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Instrumental / Vocal and Composition Bursaries
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Specialist Group Study 2
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Contextual Studies 2
Contextual Studies Core
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Contextual Studies (Options)
- Arranging and Orchestration
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
- Collaborative Composition
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
- Entrepreneurship
Online (what does this mean?)
- Introduction to Music Technology
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
- Music and Ideology
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
- Music for the Moving Image
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
- Musical Direction
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
- Performance with Electronics
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
- Songwriting
Blended (what does this mean?)
Professional Studies 2 (Options)
- Artistic Management
Online (what does this mean?)
- Business Start-Up
Blended (what does this mean?)
- Concerts & Touring
Blended (what does this mean?)
- Instrumental Music Tuition
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
- Self Promotion & Marketing
Blended (what does this mean?)
- Structure & Functions of the Film Music Industry
Online (what does this mean?)
- Working with Music in the Community
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Specialist Study 1
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Specialist Group Study 2
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Instrumental / Vocal and Composition Bursaries
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Contextual Studies 2
Contextual Studies Core
Blended (what does this mean?)
Contextual Studies (Options)
- Arranging and Orchestration
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
- Collaborative Composition
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
- Entrepreneurship
Online (what does this mean?)
- Introduction to Music Technology
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
- Music and Ideology
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
- Music for the Moving Image
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
- Musical Direction
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
- Performance with Electronics
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
- Songwriting
Blended (what does this mean?)
Professional Studies 2 (Options)
- Artistic Management
Online (what does this mean?)
- Business Start-Up
Blended (what does this mean?)
- Concerts & Touring
Blended (what does this mean?)
- Instrumental Music Tuition
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
- Self Promotion & Marketing
Blended (what does this mean?)
- Structure & Functions of the Film Music Industry
Online (what does this mean?)
- Working with Music in the Community
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Digital Commerce
Blended (what does this mean?)
Artistic Development
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Copyright and Contract Law
Blended (what does this mean?)
Instrumental / Vocal and Composition Bursaries
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Contextual Studies 2
Contextual Studies (Options)
- Entrepreneurship
Online (what does this mean?)
- Introduction to Music Technology
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
- Music and Ideology
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Professional Studies 2 (Options)
- Artistic Management
Online (what does this mean?)
- Concerts & Touring
Blended (what does this mean?)
- Self Promotion & Marketing
Blended (what does this mean?)
- Structure & Functions of the Film Music Industry
Online (what does this mean?)
- Working with Music in the Community
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Specialist Study 2
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Specialist Group Study 2
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Instrumental / Vocal and Composition Bursaries
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Contextual Studies 2
Contextual Studies Core
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Contextual Studies (Options)
- Arranging and Orchestration
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
- Collaborative Composition
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
- Entrepreneurship
Online (what does this mean?)
- Introduction to Music Technology
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
- Music and Ideology
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
- Music for the Moving Image
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
- Musical Direction
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
- Performance with Electronics
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
- Songwriting
Blended (what does this mean?)
Professional Studies 2 (Options)
- Artistic Management
Online (what does this mean?)
- Business Start-Up
Blended (what does this mean?)
- Concerts & Touring
Blended (what does this mean?)
- Instrumental Music Tuition
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
- Self Promotion & Marketing
Blended (what does this mean?)
- Structure & Functions of the Film Music Industry
Online (what does this mean?)
- Working with Music in the Community
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
FdA Electronic Music Production
Music Industry Project
Blended (what does this mean?)
Computer Music 2
Blended (what does this mean?)
Electronic Music Composition 2
Blended (what does this mean?)
Music Production in Context 2
Blended (what does this mean?)
Industry Studies 2
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Year 2 Optional Project
- Live Performance Project
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
- Sound Synthesis Project
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
- Studio Recording Project for Electronic Music Producers
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
FdA Music Production
Music Industry Project
Blended (what does this mean?)
Recording Studio Techniques 2
Blended (what does this mean?)
Audio & MIDI Sequencing 2
Blended (what does this mean?)
Music Production in Context 2
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Industry Studies 2
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Year 2 Optional Project
- Live Performance Project
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
- Sound Synthesis Project
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
- DJ Project for Producers
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Specialist Study 2
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Specialist Group Study 2
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Instrumental / Vocal and Composition Bursaries
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Contextual Studies 2
Contextual Studies Core
Blended (what does this mean?)
Contextual Studies (Options)
- Arranging and Orchestration
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
- Collaborative Composition
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
- Entrepreneurship
Online (what does this mean?)
- Introduction to Music Technology
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
- Music and Ideology
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
- Music for the Moving Image
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
- Musical Direction
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
- Performance with Electronics
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
- Songwriting
Blended (what does this mean?)
Professional Studies 2 (Options)
- Artistic Management
Online (what does this mean?)
- Business Start-Up
Blended (what does this mean?)
- Concerts & Touring
Blended (what does this mean?)
- Instrumental Music Tuition
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
- Self Promotion & Marketing
Blended (what does this mean?)
- Structure & Functions of the Film Music Industry
Online (what does this mean?)
- Working with Music in the Community
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Specialist Study 2
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Specialist Group Study 2
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Instrumental / Vocal and Composition Bursaries
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Contextual Studies 2
Contextual Studies Core
Blended (what does this mean?)
Contextual Studies (Options)
- Arranging and Orchestration
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
- Collaborative Composition
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
- Entrepreneurship
Online (what does this mean?)
- Introduction to Music Technology
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
- Music and Ideology
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
- Music for the Moving Image
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
- Musical Direction
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
- Performance with Electronics
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Professional Studies 2 (Options)
- Artistic Management
Online (what does this mean?)
- Business Start-Up
Blended (what does this mean?)
- Concerts & Touring
Blended (what does this mean?)
- Instrumental Music Tuition
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
- Self Promotion & Marketing
Blended (what does this mean?)
- Structure & Functions of the Film Music Industry
Online (what does this mean?)
- Working with Music in the Community
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
BA (Hons) Acting, Actor Musician & Musical Theatre
Artistic Development: Arts Industry
Blended (what does this mean?)
Acting Skills: Movement in Context
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Acting Skills: Rehearsal Practices
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Acting Skills: Voice in Context
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Project 1: New Work & Adaptation
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Artistic Development: Arts Industry
Blended (what does this mean?)
Acting Skills: Movement in Context
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Acting Skills: Rehearsal Practices
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Acting Skills: Voice in Context
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Actor Musician Skills: Music in Context
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Project 1: New Work & Adaptation
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Acting 2: Intermediate Dramatic Techniques
Blended (what does this mean?)
Dance 2: Intermediate Techniques in Dance
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Voice 2: Intermediate Techniques in Voice
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Performance Project 2
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Professional Studies 2: Working in the Arts
Online (what does this mean?)
Contextual Studies 2: History and Context of Theatre
Blended (what does this mean?)
BA (Hons) Music & Top-Up
Specialist Study 3
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Final Project
Group/Ensemble Performance Project
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Practice in Context Research Project
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Language for Singers 3
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Contextual Studies (Options)
- Composition & Production for Film & TV
On-Campus (what does this mean?) - Computer-Based Composition
On-Campus (what does this mean?) - Electroacoustic Composition
On-Campus (what does this mean?) - Emerging Music Models
Online (what does this mean?) - Extended Improvisation
On-Campus (what does this mean?) - Intercultural Music
On-Campus (what does this mean?) - Music and the Body
On-Campus (what does this mean?) - Composed Theatre
On-Campus (what does this mean?) - Software Environments
On-Campus (what does this mean?) - Politics and Art
Blended (what does this mean?)
Professional Studies 3
- Community Music Project
On-Campus (what does this mean?) - Film Music (Aesthetics & Narrative Function)
On-Campus (what does this mean?) - Leadership & Ethics for the Music Business
On-Campus (what does this mean?) - Live Music Management
On-Campus (what does this mean?) - Music Journalism Project
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Accompanists Sessions
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Specialist Study 3
Online (what does this mean?)
Final Project
Practice in Context Research Project
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Interdisciplinary Project
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Contextual Studies (Options)
- Computer-Based Composition
On-Campus (what does this mean?) - Electroacoustic Composition
On-Campus (what does this mean?) - Emerging Music Models
Online (what does this mean?) - Extended Improvisation
On-Campus (what does this mean?) - Intercultural Music
On-Campus (what does this mean?) - Music and the Body
On-Campus (what does this mean?) - Composed Theatre
On-Campus (what does this mean?) - Software Environments
On-Campus (what does this mean?) - Politics and Art
Blended (what does this mean?)
Professional Studies 3
- Community Music Project
On-Campus (what does this mean?) - Leadership & Ethics for the Music Business
On-Campus (what does this mean?) - Live Music Management
On-Campus (what does this mean?) - Music Journalism Project
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Specialist Study 3
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Final Project
Group/Ensemble Performance Project
Blended (what does this mean?)
Practice in Context Research Project
Blended (what does this mean?)
Contextual Studies (Options)
- Composition & Production for Film & TV
On-Campus (what does this mean?) - Computer-Based Composition
On-Campus (what does this mean?) - Electroacoustic Composition
On-Campus (what does this mean?) - Emerging Music Models
Online (what does this mean?) - Extended Improvisation
On-Campus (what does this mean?) - Intercultural Music
On-Campus (what does this mean?) - Music and the Body
On-Campus (what does this mean?) - Composed Theatre
On-Campus (what does this mean?) - Software Environments
On-Campus (what does this mean?) - Politics and Art
Blended (what does this mean?)
Professional Studies 3 (Options)
- Community Music Project
On-Campus (what does this mean?) - Film Music (Aesthetics & Narrative Function)
On-Campus (what does this mean?) - Leadership & Ethics for the Music Business
On-Campus (what does this mean?) - Live Music Management
On-Campus (what does this mean?) - Music Journalism Project
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Specialist Study 3
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Second Study
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Final Project
Group/Ensemble Performance Project
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Musical Direction
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Practice in Context Research Project (Composition)
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Practice in Context Research Project (Transcription)
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Contextual Studies (Options)
- Composition & Production for Film & TV
On-Campus (what does this mean?) - Computer-Based Composition
On-Campus (what does this mean?) - Electroacoustic Composition
On-Campus (what does this mean?) - Emerging Music Models
Online (what does this mean?) - Extended Improvisation
On-Campus (what does this mean?) - Intercultural Music
On-Campus (what does this mean?) - Music and the Body
On-Campus (what does this mean?) - Composed Theatre
On-Campus (what does this mean?) - Software Environments
On-Campus (what does this mean?) - Politics and Art
Blended (what does this mean?)
Professional Studies 3 (Options)
- Community Music Project
On-Campus (what does this mean?) - Film Music (Aesthetics & Narrative Function)
On-Campus (what does this mean?) - Leadership & Ethics for the Music Business
On-Campus (what does this mean?) - Live Music Management
On-Campus (what does this mean?) - Music Journalism Project
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Blended (what does this mean?)
Final Project: Business Project
Practice in Context Research Project
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Business Project
Blended (what does this mean?)
Contextual Studies (Options)
- Computer-Based Composition
On-Campus (what does this mean?) - Electroacoustic Composition
On-Campus (what does this mean?) - Emerging Music Models
Online (what does this mean?) - Software Environments
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Professional Studies 3 (Options)
- Community Music Project
On-Campus (what does this mean?) - Film Music (Aesthetics & Narrative Function)
On-Campus (what does this mean?) - Leadership & Ethics for the Music Business
On-Campus (what does this mean?) - Live Music Management
On-Campus (what does this mean?) - Music Journalism Project
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Specialist Study 3
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Final Project
Interdisciplinary/Collaborative Project
Practice in Context Research Project (Location Recording)
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Contextual Studies (Options)
- Composition & Production for Film & TV
On-Campus (what does this mean?) - Computer-Based Composition
On-Campus (what does this mean?) - Electroacoustic Composition
On-Campus (what does this mean?) - Emerging Music Models
Online (what does this mean?) - Extended Improvisation
On-Campus (what does this mean?) - Intercultural Music
On-Campus (what does this mean?) - Music and the Body
On-Campus (what does this mean?) - Composed Theatre
On-Campus (what does this mean?) - Software Environments
On-Campus (what does this mean?) - Politics and Art
Blended (what does this mean?)
Professional Studies 3 (Options)
- Community Music Project
On-Campus (what does this mean?) - Film Music (Aesthetics & Narrative Function)
On-Campus (what does this mean?) - Leadership & Ethics for the Music Business
On-Campus (what does this mean?) - Live Music Management
On-Campus (what does this mean?) - Music Journalism Project
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Specialist Study 3
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Final Project
Group/Ensemble Performance Project
Blended (what does this mean?)
Practice in Context Research Project
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Interdisciplinary Project
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Contextual Studies (Options)
- Composition & Production for Film & TV
On-Campus (what does this mean?) - Computer-Based Composition
On-Campus (what does this mean?) - Electroacoustic Composition
On-Campus (what does this mean?) - Emerging Music Models
Online (what does this mean?) - Extended Improvisation
On-Campus (what does this mean?) - Intercultural Music
On-Campus (what does this mean?) - Music and the Body
On-Campus (what does this mean?) - Composed Theatre
On-Campus (what does this mean?) - Software Environments
On-Campus (what does this mean?) - Politics and Art
Blended (what does this mean?)
Professional Studies 3 (Options)
- Community Music Project
On-Campus (what does this mean?) - Film Music (Aesthetics & Narrative Function)
On-Campus (what does this mean?) - Leadership & Ethics for the Music Business
On-Campus (what does this mean?) - Live Music Management
On-Campus (what does this mean?) - Music Journalism Project
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Specialist Study 3
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Final Project
Group/Ensemble Performance Project
Blended (what does this mean?)
Practice in Context Research Project
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Interdisciplinary Project
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Contextual Studies (Options)
- Composition & Production for Film & TV
On-Campus (what does this mean?) - Computer-Based Composition
On-Campus (what does this mean?) - Electroacoustic Composition
On-Campus (what does this mean?) - Emerging Music Models
Online (what does this mean?) - Extended Improvisation
On-Campus (what does this mean?) - Intercultural Music
On-Campus (what does this mean?) - Music and the Body
On-Campus (what does this mean?) - Composed Theatre
On-Campus (what does this mean?) - Software Environments
On-Campus (what does this mean?) - Politics and Art
Blended (what does this mean?)
Professional Studies 3 (Options)
- Community Music Project
On-Campus (what does this mean?) - Film Music (Aesthetics & Narrative Function)
On-Campus (what does this mean?) - Leadership & Ethics for the Music Business
On-Campus (what does this mean?) - Live Music Management
On-Campus (what does this mean?) - Music Journalism Project
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
BA (Hons) Musical Theatre
Advanced Techniques
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Group Public Performance
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
MT Specialist Skills (Core)
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
MT Specialist Skills (Options)
- MT Specialist Skills Option - Advanced Dance
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
- MT Specialist Skills Option - Musicianship
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
- MT Specialist Skills Option - Stage Combat
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Preparing for the Profession
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Professional Ensemble
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Aural and Theory
Blended (what does this mean?)
Contextual Studies
Blended (what does this mean?)
Musicianship Skills (Arranging Techniques)
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Musicianship Skills (Composition)
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Musicianship Skills (Creative Performance Techniques)
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Musicianship Skills (Keyboard Skills)
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Musicianship Skills (Live Sound)
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Musicianship Skills (Music Technology)
On-Campus (what does this mean?)
Musicianship Skills (Theory)
Online (what does this mean?)