Undergraduate Direct Application Form

You can apply for our Undergraduate degrees via this form. 

If you are looking to apply for one of our Postgraduate courses, please use our Postgraduate Direct Application Form.

Please note that if you have already applied to other institutions through UCAS or UCAS Conservatoires for entry in this academic cycle we will not be able to accept a direct application from you. You will need to add Leeds Conservatoire as one of your UCAS choices.

You need to complete this form in one go. We recommend you prepare your personal statement and get your referees agreed before starting.

If you have any questions about your application, please contact our Admissions Team at admissions@lcm.ac.uk.

Application Form - Undergraduate
Application Form - Undergraduate

Please note that if you have already applied to other institutions through UCAS or UCAS Conservatoires for entry in this academic cycle we will not be able to accept a direct application from you. You will need to add Leeds Conservatoire as one of your UCAS choices.

Course Details
Personal Details

As shown on passport

As shown on passport

What would you like to be known as? This can be different from the name on your passport.

Please format as dd/mm/yyyy

Please include house/apartment number, street address and city.

Please enter your postcode (including spaces) or zip code

e.g. UK, China

Please include country code where applicable

Would you like us to send any post to a different address?

e.g. British, Chinese

e.g. UK, China

e.g. UK, China

Student Visa Requirements

If you are unsure if you need a visa to study in the UK, you can check online on the official UK Government website.

Note: Our FdAs (Foundation Degrees) in Music Production or Electronic Music Production are not eligible for a Student Visa. You would need to study the BA (Hons) Music (Production) if you are a Music Production student that requires a Student Visa.

You can check if you need one on the link above


Please give details of your highest qualification to date, or of the qualification you are currently studying

(If completed)

English Language Proficiency
Professional, Music & Performing Arts Qualifications

Please provide further details here.


Your referee should know you well enough, in an official academic or professional capacity, to write about you and your suitability for higher education. They should send their completed reference to admissions@lcm.ac.uk

Your academic referee should know you well enough, in an official capacity, to write about you and your suitability for higher education.

Personal Statement

Please give further information about yourself and your experience in support of your application. Please include the following:

  • The most important activities that you have undertaken which have direct relevance to the course you wish to study at Leeds Conservatoire. These could be performances, work experience etc. Explain when and where these activities took place and your roles and responsibilities, highlighting if any activities were extra-curricular or were paid work.
  • Your career aims and aspirations and how you anticipate that your time at Leeds Conservatoire will help you achieve these.
  • Other skills or abilities in the arts, not necessarily linked to your chosen study
Disability support

Our Student Support team can provide support and advice from application and throughout your studies.

Privacy and Data Protection

Leeds Conservatoire is the data controller for personal data that we collect and process, and we do this in accordance with with data protection legislation and the General Data Protection Regulation.

Download our data protection statement for HE Students


Typing your name in this box is the same as providing a written signature.

Please put today's date in format dd/mm/yyyy

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