Our core ensembles.

This year Leeds Conservatoire is pleased to offer six core ensembles (Chamber Orchestra, Wind Orchestra, Chamber Choir, New Music Collective, Contemporary Jazz Orchestra and Contemporary Pop Choir) which are open for all students studying at the conservatoire.

Leeds Conservatoire will be staging an opera production in semester two. Full details about auditions and how you can get involved in this exciting project will be made available during the first semester.

Instrumental students on the BA Music (Classical) degree will be required to audition the Chamber Orchestra or Wind Orchestra, and singers will be required to audition for the Chamber Choir.

Rehearsals for all projects will run weekly, with additional weekend rehearsals also scheduled at various points during the project. When you are offered a place in an ensemble, it is expected that you would treat this as any other professional engagement, and as such you will be required to attend all rehearsal dates.

Up-to-date information on rehearsal times, concert dates and auditions can be found under the ‘performance and workshops’ area on Space.

With the exception of the Contemporary Pop Choir, to request an audition for any of the ensembles, please complete the short form available via the link below. You will be notified of an audition time for your chosen ensemble(s) in September.

Form to request an audition for an instrumental ensemble.

Jazz auditions will take place in a group, and there won’t be anything to prepare in advance. They will look at your ability to play within an ensemble, and there may be the opportunity to do some improvisation.

Candidates for the Classical ensembles will need to prepare an excerpt of a piece of their choosing of up to 5 minutes in length, which will be followed by some sight reading. 

Students’ Union ensembles
The students’ union runs various society based ensembles, including a big band and camerata orchestra. More information on these can be found during fresher’s week.

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