Our International Activities

Whether we’re holding auditions, visiting schools or attending fairs, Leeds Conservatoire is very internationally active.

We are committed to engaging musicians from all around the world and building upon our thriving community of international students.

As well as conducting a number of overseas trips through the year, we also have representatives based in six countries who will be happy to answer your enquiries.

See below for in-country contact details or to see when we’ll be visiting your area next.


Our in-country manager will be attending the following events;

SFK Education Fair Shanghai

March 3, 2025 between 13:30 and 17:30

CONRAD Hotel Shanghai , 9th floor , No. 789 Nanjing Road, Shanghai 

SFK Education Fair Shenzhen

March 22, 2025 between 13:30 – 17:30

SHERATON Shenzhen Futian Hotel, 8th Floor, No. Fuhua Yi Lu, Futian District , Shenzhen 

These events are open to all. If you would like more information please contact Rita at rita.mao@luminate.ac.uk, WeChat: Rita-lema


Inarts Art Design & Technology Universities Fair

March 20, 2025 between 16:00 – 20:00

Intercontinental Hotel, Athens

Visitors can register free online here inarts | International Education Events


Days of International Education, Hungary

March 22, 2025

Budapest, Hungary in the Crowne Plaza Budapest Hotel ( Váci út 1-3., 1062 Budapest)

Information in Hungarian for visitors: https://www.balticcouncil.pl/hu/k-lf-ldi-oktat-s/days-of-international-education-nemzetk-zi-oktat-si-napok/

South Africa

Our Head of International Recruitment and Head of Drama will be in Johannesurg and Cape Town between the 10th and 16th March. Feel free to reach out to make an appointment to meet.

We will also be hosting an open day at POPArt Studios in Johannesburg where you can learn all about our amazing Masters courses in the School of Drama, take part in a free workshop and an audition. Please contact international@lcm.ac.uk for more information about meeting us or taking part in the audition day.

We also have exciting events planned in Spain, Japan, Korea, USA and many other places. If you want to find out more please email international@lcm.ac.uk

A student guide to choosing an education agent

Rita Mao - China Area Manager

WeChat: Rita-lema / Tel: 008613964829038 / E: ritamaolin@qq.com

Aceleader Education Group

E: international@aceleader.net

T: +86 10 82250166

Contact Us on WeChat for Application Support: AceleaderEducation

Amber Education

Beijing: T: (86) 10 8565 9292 / E: amberbj@amberedu.com

Dalian: T: (86) 411 8284 2288 / E: amberdl@amberedu.com

Guangzhou: T: (86) 202237 9900 / E: Guangzhou@amberedu.com

Shenzhen: T: (86) 755 2290 1818 / E: shenzhen@amberedu.com


Shanghai: T: (86) 1560160 1917 / E: shanghai@studyin-uk.cn

TransCulture Academy


Beijing: T/WeChat: (86) 153 3022 0817 / E: admissions@tcschool.cn

Tianjin: T/WeChat: (86) 1860 222 0550 / E: jason@tcschool.cn 

Yueji International

T: +44 7419379050 / E: zhouwei-lin@hotmail.com


Beijing: Tel: 400-650-6816 WeChat: ARTZOOfun / E: artzoo@artzoo.com.cn


Beijing: T/WeChat: (86) 1861 172 4903 / E: xujialin@aaeedu.cn


Beijing: T/WeChat: (86) 4006 128 881 / E: acginternational@acgedu.cn


Beijing: T/WeChat: (86) 1352 009 6238 / E: zhangliping@mxsy.cn

Shanghai Overseas Affairs Service Center

Shanghai: T/WeChat: (86) 135 0197 8882 / E: 16542902@qq.com

Qingdao ZL-Estrella

Qingdao: T/WeChat: (86) 150 5328 2189 / E: chen.meng@live.com

Hunan 3A Education

Changsha: T/WeChat: (86) 130 2107 9988 / E: majunjunman@163.com


Beijing: T: (86) 010 5624 9493 / E: wenanhezuo@siaedu.net / WeChat: SIA-liuxue

New Oriental Vision Overseas Consulting Co. Ltd (NOVO)

Vivian Wang - E: uk-vision@xdf.cn

Beijing SFK Oversea Study Consulting Co., Ltd -Known as SFK 

contact: Liu Di

skf_application@xdf.cn;Tel: (86) 178 1026 8306; weichat: weixinid07; 

Amber Education

Mong Kok: T: (852) 23 773 399 / E: mongkok@amberedu.com.hk

Tsim Sha Tsui: T: (852) 23 779 115 / E: amberhk@amberedu.com.hk

Wan Chai: T: (852) 23 779 111 / E: amberhk@amberedu.com.hk

British United Education Services

Mong Kok: T: (852) 3426 9976 / E: info@britishunited.net

GET Education Consultancy

Sheung Wan: T: (852) 2730 7311 / E: hongkong@get.com.hk

Hong Kong Education Web

Wan Chai: T: (852) 2272 2800 / E: ieu@education.com.hk


Wan Chai: T: (852) 6513 5719, 2967 8009, 2967 8199 / E: hongkong@studyin-uk.com

SI-UK (United Knowledge Education Consultants Pvt Ltd)

T: (91) 11-4202-8200 / E: delhi@studyin-uk.com

AIMS Education

Ravipuram, Kerala: T: (91) 8714698171 / E: kochi@aimseducation.co.uk

GeeBee Education 

Geebee are a pan-Indian agency. Check the website to find your local office:  https://www.geebeeworld.com/students#branches.

E: info@geebeeworld.com  

Pyramid E Services

Amandeep Singh Ahluwalia- General Manager (IP)

Email: international.business@pyramideservices.com

Phone: +91 73550 04529

Kanika Khurana- Assistant Manager (IP)

Email: international.relations@pyramideservices.com

Phone: +91 96460 66602


Jakarta & Tangerang Selatan Offices

T: +62 812-9233-9008 / E: vania.g@studyin-uk.com

And Vision, Inc.

Chiyoda, Tokyo: T: (81) 3 5577 4500 / E: arrangement@andvision.net

AIMS Education

T: 014795846 / 014795847 / E: info@aimseducationnepal.com

GeeBee Education

T: +977 985-1327300 / E: info@geebeeworld.com

GeeBee Education

T: +63 917 624 2182 / E: info@geebeeworld.com 

JACK StudyAbroad

Orchard Road: T: (65) 6737 6734 / E: info@jackstudy.com


Global Education

Johannesburg Office



Cape Town Office



Durban Office



KAJU Overseas Education

Gangnam / Yangjae: T: (82) 02 6248 3520~1 / E: kaju@kajucp.com


Gangnam, Seoul: T: (82)02 733 2321 / E: u2godream@gmail.com


E: seoul@peopleloving.co.kr 

UK Education Institute / UK PLUS

Gangnam: T: (82) 02 585 0293 / E: general@uk-edu.co.kr

Apply University

T: 07979941111 / E: internationalrelations@applyuniversity.com



SI-UK Istanbul Office

Phone: +902129950735

SI-UK Ankara Office

Phone: 0 212 995 07 35

SI-UK Atasehir Office

Phone: 0 212 995 07 35

SI-UK Denizli Office

Phone: 0 212 995 07 35

SI-UK Izmir Office

Phone: +02129950735


T: (97) 14386 8900 / E: dubai@studyin-uk.com

AIMS Education

Dubai: T: (97) 1547588797 / E: info.dubai@aimseducation.co.uk

GeeBee Education 

T: + 971 50 171 6078 / E: info@geebeeworld.com

Apply University

T: 07979941111 / E: internationalrelations@applyuniversity.com


HA-NOI: T: (+84) 24 3972 6849 / E: hanoi@studyin-uk.com

HO-CHI-MINH: T: (+84) 28 3929 3998 / E: hochiminh@studyin-uk.com

GeeBee Education 

T: +84 93 802 80 11 / E: info@geebeeworld.com  

Need more information or help?

Find out how to get in touch with our international team or community.

Contact us
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