School Studio Set-ups

Different options to consider when setting up a school studio.

In this video, we look at some of the different options to consider when setting up a school studio. For this presentation, Senior Lecturer at Leeds Conservatoire You can download the PowerPoint slides here. Content includes:

  • How to set up a basic recording studio
  • Mac and PCs, and the differences between them
  • DAW choice (Digital Audio Workstation)
  • Audio Interfaces
  • Microphones
  • Connectivity
  • Small, medium and large set-ups and approximate costs (please note these are approximate costs as of 2020 and may be subject to change)
  • Cost effective options
  • Portable Recorders

Please note that Chris has no pre-existing relationship with any of the brands and manufacturers that are mentioned in this resource. These are companies/products that Chris has found to be reliable in his own personal and teaching work. There are other options available.

We recommend getting at least three quotes from any supplier, and that you find an educational specialist that you’re comfortable working with.

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