This section contains videos which focus on harmony and chords.

Constructing Chords 1: Triads

This video explores constructing triads including major & minor chords, suspended 2nd & 4th chords and augmented and diminished chords.

Find out more about 'Constructing Chords 1: Triads'
Constructing Chords 2: 7ths & 9ths

This video explores constructing chords, including major and minor 7ths, major and minor 9ths, dominant 7ths and 9ths and minor major 7ths.

Find out more about 'Constructing Chords 2: 7ths & 9ths'
Modulation using the Circle of Fifths

This video explores modulating using the circle of fifths and using the circle of fifths in composition.

Find out more about 'Modulation using the Circle of Fifths'
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