This section contains videos which focus on the basics of musical theory, including the basics of notation and more.
This video looks at the stave, grand stave, treble and bass clefs - the foundations of beginning to notate music.
Find out more about 'The Stave, Grand Stave, Treble and Bass Clefs'Explore the major scale, key signatures of C, G, D and F Major as well as sharps, flats and natural signs in this video.
Find out more about 'The Major Scale, Key Signatures, Sharps, Flats & Naturals'A video which looks at the note values of the semibreve, minim, crotchet, quaver and semiquaver as well as equivalent rests.
Find out more about 'Note Values & Rests'A video which explains the circle of fifths, and how to create it.
Find out more about 'The Circle of Fifths'