It’s really important that singers use warm-up exercises in order to strengthen and protect their voice, prepare for the work their voice will soon be doing, and to avoid damaging their vocal cords. Practising regular warm-up exercises will make all the difference when it comes to learning and growing as a singer.
We asked Musical Theatre vocal specialist Aaron Newland-Bentley to provide us with some example exercises that he teaches his student singers to warm up their voices, as well as information on good posture, engaging your body, and how to balance your voice.
Aaron is one of our fantastic lecturers on our BA (Hons) Musical Theatre pathway at Leeds Conservatoire, and specialises in vocal technique and musical direction. He has put together a series of 14 short videos, which include:

- An introduction from Musical Theatre vocal specialist Aaron Newland-Bentley
- The importance of warming up our voice
- Healthy Lifestyle, Healthy Voice
- What does a healthy voice sound like?
- Engaging your body
- Lip Trills
- Tips for your Lip Trills
- Chest Exercise 1: EEEE
- Chest Exercise 2: A New Way
- Chest Exercise 3: A Way
- Falsetto Exercise 1: OOOO
- Chest to Falsetto Exercise 1: YAH HOO YAH
- Vocal Workout: What to look out for
- What next
Watch all vocal warm-up videos here.
We hope these videos will be useful to your Performing Arts vocal students. Aaron advises practising exercises such as these for 10-15 minutes a day, starting with the areas that students struggle with.