Elouise McCracken

Note: Elouise completed our FdA in Music Production in 2018.

"Leeds is a great city to start getting your name out"

Elouise McCracken - FdA Music Production

Elouise McCracken is a gifted student on our Foundation Degree in Music Production course. Whilst completing her studies, she has released her first EP while also juggling a part time job in Leeds City Centre.

Has your music / approach / technique changed at all since your first year?

My first EP style is very singer/ songwriter. This summer I have been working on a new EP which is much more electronic and upbeat. Seeing as I came to the university with very little knowledge on production, the quality of my work is only improving.

What has been the most interesting project you have worked on so far?

My favorite project has to be the independent project where I was able to create and release my first EP which is something I wanted to do anyway. It really made me look into all aspects of what needs to be done to release an EP from the production to the artwork.

Is there anything that has really made you push yourself as a musician or anything new that you've not tried before?

I had never used Logic before coming to Leeds Conservatoire and now it’s all I use! I’ve come out of my comfort zone of sitting and messing around with chords on a piano to composing full bodied songs.

What sort of accommodation are you living in? What advice would you give to new students about accommodation?

I’m living in Mill Street which is student flats just across from Leeds Conservatoire. While this does eliminate the aspect of living in Hyde Park with the rest of the university students, it keeps me focused and saves me a lot of money, as I do not ever have to spend money on travel.

What do you get up to outside of Leeds Conservatoire?

I have a part time job at Revolution de Cuba, to help me keep myself afloat.  In my spare time I usually like to listen to my own new music that I’m working on, wind down by watching Friends, and just relaxing!

What is the best thing about living and studying in Leeds? 

I love that the town centre is very small so you can get to know a lot of people quite quickly. I’ve noticed that the musicians at my work at De Cuba know a few of the musicians who play at the open mic in the Fenton. Leeds is a great city to start getting your name out.

What advice would you give to a prospective student thinking of applying to your course?

Managing your time but also making friends is very important. I think if I could do it all again I would spend more time making friends and participating in social activities.

How would you describe your experience at Leeds Conservatoire so far in three words?

Challenging, fun, interesting

 Study on our Foundation Degree in Music Production.

Find out more about Elouise McCracken: YouTube | Soundcloud

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