Gabriella Richardson

Note: Gabriella completed our BA (Hons) in Music (Popular) in 2020.

"The best thing about living and studying in Leeds is the fact that there are countless opportunities - there is music around every corner which is a musician's dream."

Gabriella Richardson

Gabriella Richardson - BA (Hons) Music (Popular)

Meet Gabriella Richardson, a first year Pop student and vocalist in Sonic Blue. Gabriella has spent her first year in Leeds getting to know the local music scene, both gigging and watching lots of live music - and loving the experience so far! 

What made you choose Leeds Conservatoire?

The thing that made me choose Leeds Conservatoire was definitely the environment that surrounds the whole conservatoire. From the tutors that will support your musicianship and the kind of artist that you want to be, to the wide variety of students that are always up for collaboration - you will never feel shy to present your musical ideas. There's that and the fact that there are amazing facilities that open from morning until late. 

Has anything been totally different to what you expected when you started at Leeds Conservatoire?

The most surprising thing to me is the fact that so many people are willing to collaborate and help you out. There are so many different types of students here that you will 100% find someone who appreciates the same music as you.  

What is the most mind blowing thing you've learned so far at Leeds Conservatoire? 

The most mind-blowing thing that I have learned so far at Leeds Conservatoire is that in this business it is so important to be at the right place at the right time. This is why I'll always encourage anyone to go and watch as much live music as possible.

Sonic Blue

Is there anything that has really made you push yourself as a musician?

When I first arrived in Leeds I had never been in a band which is something that I had always wanted to try. Finding people that had the same taste in music as me and forming a band (Sonic Blue) was a dream come true - it has really pushed me and my music. Now having had plenty of amazing gig opportunities, we are working with production students at the Leeds Conservatoire recording studios to release our first single later this year which is something that I never thought would happen when I was at home.

As a band we've had some amazing opportunities - like headlining Belgrave Music Hall, and supporting well-known Leeds Conservatoire bands like Mamilah. 

What sort of accommodation are you living in?

I'm living in a student accommodation which is perfect for me as there is normally quite a lot of interaction with people which I like. However, if you prefer to be more to yourself you can rent a flat/house outside the city which is not as busy.

What do you get up to outside of Leeds Conservatoire?

Apart from my music (writing and practicing) and gigging, I would say that I mainly just go watch as much live music as I can with my friends. You never know what you can gain from going to a gig. 

What is the best thing about living and studying in Leeds?

The best thing about living and studying in Leeds is the fact that there are countless of opportunities available everywhere if you look in the right places. There is also that fact that there is music around every corner which as a musician is a dream.

Gabriella Richardson 2

What advice would you give to a new student about to start at Leeds Conservatoire in September?

I would say to take every opportunity that comes your way as you will always learn something that you can put into practice.

How would you describe your experience at Leeds Conservatoire so far in three words?

Exciting, Educational and Surprising.



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