"The best thing about living and studying in Leeds is the vibe. As music students, it is such a great scene to get involved in with the countless opportunities in the city. This supportive atmosphere is a really good thing as a first year student living away from home for the first time"

Jemma Crane - BA (Hons) Music Business
Jemma Crane is a first year studying on our BA (Hons) Music Business programme.
In between lectures, Jemma runs her music blog 'Beyond the Melodies', and writes for the LCSU Journalism Society.
What made you choose Leeds Conservatoire?
When I went to the open day back in April of 2019, I fell in love with the conservatoire instantly. At the time I was a prospective student for the performance based courses and I could imagine myself learning and establishing myself as an artist in the conservatoire's exciting environment. A year on I chose to change course, from previously being accepted onto the Classical with Pop course as a singer, I transferred to the Music Business course and was given a place. This whole process was incredibly easy considering the interference of the pandemic.
What is the most mind blowing thing you've learned so far at Leeds Conservatoire?
The most mind blowing thing I have learnt so far has to be the way streaming and digital media has completely taken over the industry. Spotify in itself makes money just from having the biggest amount of subscriptions out of all streaming platforms, plus not to mention the money the music actually makes. Digital media such as Tik Tok has revolutionised the industry, by bringing back hits from decades ago and creating 'trends' from current music which is ultimately increasing streams for these artists. Tik Tok creators are marketing new music for artists without realising when uploading a 30 second video of them dancing or acting to it.
Is there anything that has really made you push yourself as a musician or performer?
The one thing that has pushed me as a student is continuing to study about the industry creatively in my spare time. For example, back in September I started a blog on Instagram called Beyond the Melodies. I started the page as a place to upload my own views and opinions of topics in the industry which has slowly developed into a page where I interview and promote musicians from the conservatoire and elsewhere. As of April this year I have interviewed over 12 bands and artists through people getting in touch with me to work with them or through people on my course asking if I could interview them as part of a marketing campaign. By being contacted by other students at the conservatoire, it has pushed me to continue to making content for my followers, especially when I have recently been asked by second year student Lucy Goodfellow to join a masterclass for the second years due to my interest in journalism and the success of Beyond the Melodies.

What was the best piece of advice you've had since starting at Leeds Conservatoire?
''Get involved!'' A bit of a cliche but it is so true. I have tried my best to get involved with as much as I can as a first year even though it is all online. Back in December I was asked whether I wanted to become a Student Ambassador as my course leader Alex Timewell had mentioned I should apply for the role. Of course I said yes and thankfully was given the role to represent the conservatoire in many different ways.
What sort of accommodation are you living in? What advice would you give to new students about accommodation?
As a first year, I am living in Joseph Stones House, halls of residence. The advice I would give to new students about accommodation is to make your bedroom as familiar and 'homely' as possible. When moving to university it is always going to be a scary and unknown experience, especially when waking up in your new room during your first week feeling out of sync with your surroundings. Therefore, by bringing as many decorative items and belongings from your bedroom at home will make your new room feel a lot like your old one.
What do you get up to outside of studying?
As mentioned previously I interview and promote musicians on my blog, Beyond the Melodies, which keeps me busy. Equally, I am part of the Journalism Society.
What is the best thing about living and studying in Leeds?
The best thing about living and studying in Leeds is the vibe. Especially for music students, it is such a great scene to get involved in with the countless opportunities in the city. Also with Leeds having such a heavy student population, everyone is in like minds and people always want to help each other out. This supportive atmosphere is a really good thing as a first year student living away from home for the first time.
What advice would you give to a prospective student thinking of applying to your course?
''Don't be afraid to introduce yourself and share your interests.'' Let me explain this one. The music business course is one of the most diverse courses in the Conservatoire due to everyone enjoying completely different music genres. Sometimes you may feel left out because you are not aware of a particular genre or artist but that's ok as someone may be feeling the same towards your interests. This is where talking about what you like openly is essential for a music business student as it opens yours and other students’ eyes to new music. I wish someone had told me this at the start as I was always afraid of being judged for the limited repertoire on my Spotify playlist, as it mainly contains mainstream Pop.
How would you describe your experience at Leeds Conservatoire so far in three words?
Fun, eye-opening and creative.