
Note: Kneeo completed our BA (Hons) in Music Business in 2023.

BA (Hons) Music Business

"The best advice I can give anyone that wants to study music business at Leeds Conservatoire is, create your own business before or during your time at university because you will: learn more about the music industry, gain real industry experience and have a fully functioning business when you finish university."

Hi Kneeo – Where did your musical journey begin?

My musical journey began when I started to play the electric guitar at 7 years old. I then went on to play in a band called The Twist throughout most of my time at secondary school. I further attended Access to Music College in Shoreditch where I studied music performance. I learned how to produce and perform music to audiences which improved my overall musicianship. During my second year of college I took an intrest to rapping and music business as I was actively gigging and hosting my own events at the time. Hence, I decided to study music business at Leeds Conservatoire and continue my music career on the side. 

What made you choose Leeds Conservatoire?

I heard good things about Leeds Conservatoire via friends and acquaintances, therefore, i decided to continue my education there. Leeds is also a vibrant city with an active music scene, hence, it was also a suitable city to continue my music career in.

How has your course shaped your artistry?

Studying music business as an artist has shaped my artisty in many ways, all of which have been positive. For example: having a better overall understanding of the music industry and knowing how to market and promote my music. I also liked the fact that even though I was studying music business I was able to choose modules which that were artist based, such as: production and sound engineering.

How has your course helped you with the promotion of your own music?

It helped drastically as I now know how to effectively promote my music to my chosen target audience. This enabled me to strengthen my current fan base and gain new fans.

Has the Conservatoire provided many opportunities for you as an artist?

Leeds Conservatoire has provided me with multiple opportunities, directly and indirectly. Two of the main opportunities I received directly were: supporting D double E at Superfriendz's event and playing at Liverpool Sound City Festival. The indirect opportunities I received by attending Leeds Conservatoire were from networking with other students. 

What was the best piece of advice you’ve had since starting at Leeds Conservatoire?

Meet as many people as you can and make the most of all the opportunities that come your way. 

Finally, how would you describe your experience at Leeds Conservatoire so far in three words?

Spontaneous, Fun & Educational

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