"I have been able to work with some amazingly talented musicians and producers. The Jazz scene at Leeds Conservatoire has hugely influenced my listening and my songwriting."

Lauren Burrow: BA (Hons) Music (Popular)
Lauren Burrow (artist name, Lauren Mikki) is a second year student on our BA (Hons) Music (Popular) programme. Lauren is an RnB/Soul/Pop vocalist and songwriter. She recently released her debut single "BA (Hons) Music (Production) student KYA, which is now available on all streaming platforms.
We spoke to Lauren about her time at Leeds Conservatoire and how her studies have helped develop her music.
Hi Lauren - What made you choose Leeds Conservatoire?
I love Leeds. It's a beautiful city! The Jazz and R&B music scene in Leeds is full of fresh talent and opportunities.
Has anything been different to what you expected when you started at Leeds Conservatoire?
The things that I expected to enjoy the most when I began studying here have changed over the past two years. I really enjoy learning about the business side of the industry, which I didn't expect to initially.
What is the most mind-blowing thing you've learned so far at Leeds Conservatoire?
I've was shocked by the number of musical opportunities that are available! I've learned how easy it is to make contacts within the industry when you network and work hard.
Is there anything that has made you push yourself as a musician or performer?
My one to one tuition has really developed my style and vocal technique. Also, being put into professional studio situations has developed my professionalism, skillset and overall knowledge of how studios run.
What was the best piece of advice you've had since starting at Leeds Conservatoire?
It's important to focus on your career outside of the university whilst studying hard for your degree. Leeds Conservatoire promotes the idea that you're here to thrive musically, doing things like studying and completing assignments, getting gigs, and meeting other musicians outside of class.
What is your best memory from Leeds Conservatoire?
After all the lockdowns, the contemporary pop choir came together and performed a gorgeous set for some promotional video content. It was amazing to be a part of after all the time we were stuck inside.
How has studying at Leeds Conservatoire influenced your music?
I have been able to work with some amazingly talented musicians and producers. The jazz scene at Leeds Conservatoire has hugely influenced my listening and my songwriting.
What do you get up to outside of studying?
I work at Cafe 164 part-time to earn extra money! It's a very social job, and I'm constantly bumping into and chatting with conservatoire students and teachers during my shifts. As well as work and uni, I write a lot of music collaboratively and have rehearsals with my band.
What is the best thing about living and studying in Leeds?
The number of students! Everywhere in Leeds is so student-friendly, particularly Hyde Park and Headingly. This means lots of discounts and student themed nights, and there are always lots of gigs and events to go to.
What advice would you give to a prospective student thinking of applying to your course?
Make sure this is really what you want. Don't study music for the sake of it. This industry is amazing but demanding, and you must be passionate and willing to work hard.
How would you describe your time at Leeds Conservatoire in three words?
Ever-changing, interesting and productive.
Find out more about studying BA (Hons) Music (Popular) at Leeds Conservatoire.