Lucy Goodfellow

"The one-to-one tutors are amazing. I personally feel like my one-to-one gave me lots of support not just academically but professionally as someone breaking into the industry, and gave me the confidence to look into new projects and test what I'd learnt."

Has your music business approach changed at all since your first year?

My approach to business and management has changed massively since joining the conservatoire. As someone with little industry experience in the degree I was going into, I feel like first year provided a good foundation with both academic and professional study. The one-to-one tutors are amazing as well, I personally feel like my one-to-one gave me lots of support not just academically but professionally as someone breaking into the industry, and gave me the confidence to look into new projects and test what I'd learnt.

What has been the most interesting project you have worked on so far?

First year was really just a tester for me and I tried to have my hand in lots of pots to get a bit of experience and get to know people, some of these things worked out and some of them didn't. I'm working on two projects at the moment which I'm really excited about. The first one is an EDM record label called 'Push The Border' that was started by one of our third year business students. I'm currently the Leeds Representative for the label and am getting involved in the decisions surrounding the development of the label itself and doing A&R within Leeds. I've also just started a solo project with the support of the SU and the business tutors. I'm starting a supplement to the SU weekly mail out which will be a space for students interested in journalism and writing to publish their work. With the amount of interest it has had so far I'm hoping it will develop into a society and that it can flourish within the conservatoire.

Is there anything that has really made you push yourself, or anything new that you've not tried before?

I'd say my competitive side pushes me to be better. On Business, even if we're all going into different parts of the industry, we all want to stand out and fulfil our full potential as a music industry professional throughout our careers. I've never really had my own project that I can manage so the journalism group that I'm working on setting up should be super exciting for me!

What sort of accommodation are you living in? What advice would you give to new students about accommodation?

I'm currently living in a house in Hyde Park and I lived at Liberty Dock(now Clarence Dock Village) last year. I loved my first year accommodation, it was the perfect space for me to come back to and I felt so at home there. I'd say when you're looking for first year accommodation, if you have the time, put in the research before hand in terms of what you get for your money, what company the accommodation might be with, and just generally look for somewhere that you think you could call 'home' for a year(or however long you choose to stay there!). In terms of second year accommodation, if you're looking at getting a house, make sure it's with the right people, don't rush your decision. Property companies will put out advertisements early and tell you that there isn't many houses left when realistically there will be. They release more as you go towards Christmas and then even more in January. Do background checks on the property company before signing with them. Read reviews and ask around, as plenty of students have been cheated out of money or been supplied with housing that is less than suitable due to misinformation or false marketing.

Have you been involved in the SU / societies or other Leeds Conservatoire activities?

In my first year, I was involved with the Acapella and Netball societies. Both of these groups were wonderful and I continue to be part of them both in second year. This year I'm the Education Officer as part of the SU, which means I'll be working a lot with the student experience reps to get feedback about the conservatoire which in turn I can take to senior management to improve both the academic and enrichment factors.

What is the best thing about living and studying in Leeds?


The best thing about living and studying in Leeds is definitely being able to explore a new city with your pals. You're meeting new people and hanging out with them at the Conservatoire and then also being able to experience new things with them.

What advice would you give to a prospective student thinking of applying to your course?

One piece of advice that I wish I'd been given is; Don't doubt yourself and your skills. You're capable of much more than you think you are. Even with little experience in the industry, I was super happy with my first-year grades and my development from first to second year. I love this course and would highly recommend it to anyone interested in going into the industry, it provides great learning and support throughout and can be a wonderful stepping stone into your career.

How would you describe your experience at Leeds Conservatoire so far in three words?

Fun, valuable, exciting

Find out more about BA (Hons) Music (Business) at Leeds Conservatoire.

Follow Lucy on Twitter and Instagram.

Check out 'Push the Border' on SoundCloud and Instagram.

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